Agent Utilization (AU)

Definition: Agent utilization measures how much of an agent’s paid work time is spent on customer-related activities, such as handling calls, chats, emails, can providing case support. It excludes Available time and Not Ready time since these do not directly benefit customers. See Agent Occupancy Rate.

Calculation: (Work Time – (Available Time + Not Ready Time)) / (Scheduled Time) * 100

Benchmark: 70-80%. Higher agent utilization rates are generally desirable. However, this should not be at the expense of breaks, training, and development time, as this can lead to agent burnout and degraded customer experience.

Importance: Optimizing utilization plays a significant role in improving overall call center efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. By ensuring agents are utilized effectively, businesses can minimize wait times, reduce customer queues, provide prompt service, and increase the availability of agents to handle customer inquiries. Effective utilization also helps in managing staffing requirements, optimizing resource allocation, and achieving operational goals.

Strategies to Improve Agent Utilization:

  1. Optimize Work Scheduling: Schedule agents based on forecasted call volumes to align with peak hours and demand.
  2. Reduce Idle Time: Minimize idle time between calls by providing agents with continuous call flow or offering additional tasks during downtime.
  3. Provide Continuous Training: Ensure agents are well-trained to handle customer interactions efficiently, leading to reduced handling time and increased utilization.
  4. Implement Call Blending: Introduce call blending, where agents handle both inbound and outbound calls, to maintain productivity during periods of low inbound call volume.
  5. Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor utilization in real-time to make necessary adjustments and ensure efficient resource allocation.

Alternate Terms: Agent productivity, Agent efficiency, Resource utilization.