Offer Rate

Definition: Offer Rate or Offer to Forecast Ratio is a metric that compares the number of contacts offered to call center agents with the forecasted contact volume for a specific period. This evaluates the accuracy of call volume forecasting and assesses the call center’s ability to effectively handle the predicted workload.

Calculation: (Number of Contacts Offered/ Forecasted Volume) * 100

Benchmark: A ratio close to 100% indicates that the forecasted call volume aligns well with the actual number of calls offered to agents, suggesting accurate forecasting and efficient call center operations.

Importance: A high ratio is essential for ensuring that the planned capacity is effectively utilized to prevent overstaffing and excess costs for the operations.

Strategies for Optimizing Offer to Forecast Ratio:

  1. Improve Forecasting Methods: Enhance call volume forecasting techniques by analyzing historical data, considering seasonal patterns, and incorporating factors that impact call volume, such as marketing campaigns or product launches.
  2. Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments: Regularly monitor actual call volumes and compare them to the forecast. Identify any discrepancies and adjust forecasting methods or staffing levels accordingly.
  3. Collaborative Forecasting: Involve call center supervisors, agents, and other stakeholders in the forecasting process. Gather their insights and feedback to improve the accuracy of forecasts and ensure a more comprehensive understanding of potential call volume fluctuations.

Alternate Terms: Offer to forecast, Call presentation rate