Employees reporting late for their assigned shifts, whether or not they called in to notify. Dependent on the nature of work, employees may be evaluated on the number of late instances or the duration of work time lost due to lateness. Tardiness may also consider early departures from work that were not factored in the scheduling process and now creates a gap to mitigate.
Measurement: (Employees Late)/ (Total Employees Scheduled) or (Duration of Time Late)/ Total Schedule Duration)
Benchmark: No more than 2 instances per month, or 3-5% of the time scheduled. Guided by the nature of business.
Importance: Customers will show up as expected, whether or not employees are present. Tardiness increases the workload of the team that is present and degrades the customer experience. Preparations should be in place to buffer moderate tardiness and staff should be accountable for providing adequate notice so that tardiness impact can be assessed and mitigating measures deployed if needed.
Alternate Terms: Lateness, Late for work